Welcome to the Laboratory of Tropical Plant Ecology and Evolution


Our research group studies the ecology and the evolution of plants, with special focus on seeds. Seeds are key innovations in the plant kingdom that allowed diversification and dominance of the seed plants. The study of seeds represents a unique opportunity to integrate ideas and theories from plant physiology, plant ecology and evolutionary biology. Moreover, seed science has a key significance for applied ecology, because it provides the grounds for ecological restoration. Through our research, we aim to provide the basis for conservation of extreme environments such as inselbergs and campo rupestre.


The LEEPT is coordinated by Fernando A. O. Silveira (also known as Lelê) and it is based at the Department of Plant Biology, at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. The LEEPT is a young research group (founded in 2013) which is open to collaboration, information sharing and committed to training high-quality human resources in basic and applied research with focus on tropical plant ecology and evolution.


In this website, you will find information about our research interests, publication, teaching activities, science outreach and research sites. If you have any suggestions, questions or commentaries, please email me.


You can reach Fernando A. O. Silveira at faosilveira@icb.ufmg.br

Visit us at the Graduate Program in Plant Biology and at the Graduate Program in Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wildlife at UFMG

You can also use Skype: faosilveira@gmail.com

Phone: +55 31 34092689

Youtube chann el



We are based at:

Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil 30161-970