Undergraduate courses


Methods in Field Biology

This course is taught to first semester students in Biology. The responsibilities of this course are shared among the Departments of Plant Biology, Zoology and General Biology. We aim to encourage students to engage scientific activities from the very beginning of their careers.



Everything we learn in Plant Biology is taught in a single semester course to undergraduate students of Pharmaceutics. The goal is to provide them with basic knowlegde of plant morphology, systematics, physiology and ecology so they can proceed with ther studies on Medicinal Plants and Pharmacognosia.


Plant Ecology and Evolution

General, novel and overlooked issues in Plant Ecology and Evolution.


Graduate Courses


Functional Traits International Summer School


Basis Statistics Applied to Plant Biology

We explore the basic fundaments of statistics in this course. The goal is to initiate graduate students in the study of statistics and to provide them with basic knowlege for planning scientific studyings, running specific analyses and interpreting statistics outputs.


Field Ecology

The students attending this course spend 3 weeks in a determined study site where groups and individual practices are supervised by several professors. The major goal is to develop their scientific abilities. To this end, the professors discuss the essential of the scientific methods, including hypotheses formulation, data sampling, statistical analyses and communication skills.


Seed Ecology

The Seed Ecology Course took place at UFMG between November 18 and 22, 2013. This course was taught by Prof. Carol Baskin and Prof. Jerry Baskin, both from the University of Kentucky, US.


Restoration Ecology

The Restoration Ecology Course has held at UFMG between 10 and 14 March, 2014. The course was taught by Prof. Elise Buisson from the University of Avignon, France.

The second edition of the Restoration Ecology course took place between Feb 29th and March 4th, 2016.


Ecology and Evolution of Flowers

This course occurs at the first semester and is taught in collaboration with Dr. Alberto Teixido.


Biology of parasitic plants

The course occurs at the first semester and is taught in collaboration with Dr. Tadeu Guerra.


Ecology of seed disperal and seed predation

The course occurs at the second semester and is taught in collaboration with Dr. Tadeu Guerra.